Assigned Book Project documenting the first day's at Hunziker Areal, Oerlikon, Zürich
The total of 13 buildings of Hunziker complex situated in Zurich-Leutschenbach are surrounded by various green areas and open spaces. The buildings are an experiment in city-making and their popularity suggests it’s a successful one.The urban setting was designed as a complex entity with built structure and public spaces acting as direct counterparts. The progressive urban development and ecological project created by the cooperative building association “More Than Living” (Baugenossenschaft mehr als wohnen) promotes contemporary and sustainable forms of living and working. Since summer 2015 it is home to 1,300 habitants.
Book Project, Häuser im Dialog-Ein Quartier entsteht, 2015, ArchitectsFuturafrosch GmbH, Sabine Frey & Kornelia Gysel